For those of you interested in news about ultrafast molecular science, especially theoretical calculations: visit Sergey Bokarev’s blog MolScience!
2017 archive
Jul 18
Functional carbon nitride materials — design strategies for electrochemical devices
Nature Reviews Materials 2, Article number: 17030 (2017) doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2017.30 Fabian K. Kessler, Yun Zheng, Dana Schwarz, Christoph Merschjann, Wolfgang Schnick, Xinchen Wang & Michael J. Bojdys In the past decade, research in the field of artificial photosynthesis has shifted from simple, inorganic semiconductors to more abundant, polymeric materials. For example, polymeric carbon nitrides have emerged as promising …
Jul 18
Boosting Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution with an Integrated Nickel Phosphide–Carbon Nitride System
A. Indra, A. Acharjya, P. W. Menezes, C. Merschjann, D. Hollmann, M. Schwarze, M. Aktas, A. Friedrich, S. Lochbrunner, A. Thomas, M. Driess, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 1653 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201611605 Solar light harvesting by photocatalytic H2 evolution from water could solve the problem of greenhouse gas emission from fossil fuels with alternative clean …
Jul 17
Ultrafast kinetics of linkage isomerism in Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] aqueous solution revealed by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Azhr A. Raheem1,2,3, Martin Wilke1,2, Mario Borgwardt1,2, Nicholas Engel1,2, Sergey I. Bokarev4,a), Gilbert Grell4, Saadullah G. Aziz5, Oliver Kühn4, Igor Yu. Kiyan2, Christoph Merschjann1,2,b), and Emad F. Aziz1,2,6,c) Structural Dynamics 4, 044031 (2017); doi: The kinetics of ultrafast photoinduced structural changes in linkage isomers is investigated using Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] as a model complex. The buildup …
Jul 16 pre-launch
Dear visitor, if you happened to stumble upon this website by accident, do not be annoyed by its half-emptyness… There is more to come, and I hope to finish the page in the next weeks 😉 See you, christoph merschjann